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The best of tech meets evidence-based psychology

Dimmig sjö
Our Approach

The best of tech meets evidence-based psychology

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Mental well-being programs

Personalized self-development programs on self-leadership topics such as emotional regulation, communication and psychological safety.

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Bite-sized exercises

Short and interactive exercises (2-5min) to keep you motivated and optimizing time you need to spend training your mind.

Welcome on a journey

Follow every step on your journey and see an overview of the program.

Follow your progress

Get rewards on your finished exercises and earn well-deserved steps on your journey.

How we change the way we work with mental well-being.

What makes us unique. And most importantly, truly accessible for all.




Find out what Oyama can do for you

Fill in your details and we'll be in touch. Find a suitable time for a demo or share the contact information to People Ops/HR or your manager.

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